Monday, October 28, 2013

Kurozuka / 黒塚 anime review

Year 2008
Episodes : 12 episodes
Studio : MadHouse
Written by : Baku Yumemakura

Plot : The anime is about a young samurai Kuro that is forced to save his life from his older brother . He runs in the woods with his servant Benkei . Kuro is a very well skilled swordsman and he escapes from the people following him , he has a bad fiver and is forced to stop and rest in a mysterious house in the woods . The owner of this place is a very beautiful women Kuromitsu . But this women is not to simple as Kuro thinks , she has the gift of immortality and because of this she is followed and hunted by a Red Organization , this organization followers seek to discover the secret of immortality . Kuro finds out the dark secret of this women but even so he falls in love with her and during all anime he is searching for her.
 Kuromitsu shared her immortality with Kuro but his servant Benkei betrayed him and cut of his head . The place of action moves to a post apocalyptic city where Kuro wakes up after he regenerates himself . The plot evolves into a war between different organizations that seek power and want to use Kuromitsu blood . Kuro is forced to fight and die several times , the plot is very twisted in this moment , I guess this is main problem of this anime , is changes so fast that at some moment it is difficult to keep track of the main idea , also it has some time and plot discrepancy . Even if there are many points in this anime the biggest interest is held by the romance between Kuromitsu and Kuro and their desperate fight to be together .
The desing of the characters is pretty interesting , there is a lot of action but also violence as in samurai Japanese anime usually is . The music and the way of how characters move reminds of kabuki theatre .
Post apocalyptic city
Kuro and Kurozuka in a field of fosforescent flowers.

Kurozuka main characters :
Kuro/ Kurozuka
Kuro : Young samurai that gets imprisoned by his desperate love for the vampire immortal women named Kuromitsu . He is noble and kind , even he fights a lot of red organization soldiers he is not even capable to step on a flower in a field that is loved by his beautiful Kuromitsu . Most of time he seems lost because of the huge changes around him even so he is determined to follow his heart anywhere . Also it seems that Kuro has some power to see fatal moments from his future , sometimes he can see his death and escape it. Is it a dream or a prophecy , will he take again this mysterious path of this fate or change his way.
Kuromitsu  kurozuka
Kuromitsu : a very beautiful women that was granted immortality long time ago by an unknown to her man . She can be twisted and cruel sometimes but she can also be romantic and kind . She loves flowers and nature and looks with disgust at people that destroy it . Kuromitsu loves Kuro with all her being and tries to protect him in all ways she can . Since Kuro lost his real body she is in the search of a substitution , it seems that after a while the bodies become week and doesn’t regenerate .
Benkei: Benkei is Kuro servant , monk form Musashi , he is obsessed with his master Kuro , at some point he goes mad seeing himself and wanting to be Kuro . Kuro is his ideal , but also he betrays his master in his madness because he wants to surpass him , take his place and be loved by Kuromitsu . His feelings are twisted and understandable . Benkei beheaded his master Kuro

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