Kyousougiga ( Mirror Capital ( Kyoto Mirror city ) 京騒戯画
Year : 2 October 2013
Episodes: 13 episodes
Written by : Miho Maruo
Plot : The story starts with a monk Myoe (Yakushimaru) , this monk has the
ability to give life to his drawings , everything he draws becomes reality . He
lives alone on a mountain and all his days are empty and lonely , his only
companion is his lovely yellow dog . Once he made a sketch of a rabbit and named it Koto . Koto as all his drawings
had his own life and loved her master , the little black rabbit with red eyes
adored the lonely monk and always prayed to be loved by her master . A goddess
granted her wish and lend her body to
Koto until her love will be returned by the monk . Koto turned in a beautiful
silver hair lady and started to live with monk , he sketched three children for
them Yase ( a blonde cute girl that looks like an elf and dreams to be a demon
) . Kurama a little priest that always meditate and get’s irritated when his
other two siblings make pranks. Yakushimaru a little samurai like dressed kid that is
always very serious and lazy in some way he resembles Myoe character . Myoe and
Koto are forced to move in a virtual world because other monks and people don’t
like them, after a while Koto is forced to return in the real world to give
back the body she been given .
Yakushimaru takes place of Myoe in the virtual world , that’s why somebody
could get frustrated why there are two Myoe . The three children are now
waiting their parents in the virtual
perfect world where usually nothing bad happens. In this moment the second
story appears about a little girl Koto she has same name as the black rabbit ,
she is orphan and a monk is her mentor the image of Myoe on the other side .
Koto resembles Alice in the Wonderland and always try to follow the black rabbit
and find the secret behind it , she wants to meet her mother . At the first
sight the anime might seem to have a pretty complicated plot ,it gets twisted
and twisted but there are always feelings and emotions hiding under , this
anime has a drop of romance , a drop of kindness and mystery , somebody might
not understand it , somebody might find it fascinating and interesting , it has
also funny simple moments that could make you cheerful . I do believe there
should be more explanation in the start of this story or may be this is the
secret that makes it so mysterious , sometimes the overload of mystery might
kill the interest of a certain category of watchers.
The background and the style of characters changes in dependence
of the reality they share , some of it is pretty original, it definitely has
something that brings it out from the lot.
Main Characters:
Kuro the black rabbit that been sketched by Myoe and was in love with her master , a goddess granted her wish and gave her a girl body to fulfill her wish .
Myoe ( the monk) the lonley monk that lived on a mountain he had the power to give life to his drawings and created his own virtual world where he left to live with his wife Kuro and three children.
Yase - the bond demon girl , she been drawn by Myoe as one of his children with Kuro. Later she is shown up as grown up demon girl , this mean something changed in their perfect world since they should not have been grown in their ideal balanced world.
Kurama, one of the Myoe children , he always dreams to return and see the real world again .
Yakushimaru one of the three children on Myoe , very responsable , he never understands his father jokes .
Monk family traveling to Kyousougiga or Kyoto in the other wold.
Kuro - the little orphan girl that is grawn by Myoe from the other world . She is brave and funny , her biggest dream is to find her mother .

Little Kuro and Myoe (Kyousougiga )