Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I am Sakamoto , so what ? Sakamoto Desu ga?

Year : 2016
Genre : Comedy, Drama, School life
Episodes : 13 ep. (25 min)
Main character is Sakamoto , he is a very popular student, everyone thinks he is cool because he does everything ideal , at least tries , he experiments on ppl and have his own strange way to teach them or observe them, he plays with them but for some strange reason everyone adores him. He likes to play on their emotions and some ppl think he is friendly and very good or just scheming and having fun manipulating everyone. People that like anime about school life and a bit of comedy and action should watch it. Some may find it original because it is not usual school life romance in every episode,  here you can see how ppl try to find the bad side in every person trying to show everyone that he or she is not perfect and downgrade them to their standards.
It is a light anime , you can watch for relaxation , not much violence , there is some strange scenes but in fond it is safe and fun to watch. Every episode is a different story.
Sakamoto Desu ga?,  I am Sakamoto , so what ?, sakamoto anime , school comedy, Comedy, Comedy anime, dark comedy, , sakamoto face
 Sakamoto playing cool.
 Sakamoto printing his face in clay. ( His way of smart humor)
Sakamoto Desu ga?,  I am Sakamoto , so what ?, sakamoto anime , school comedy, Comedy, Comedy anime, dark comedy, , sakamoto face

Sakamoto Desu ga?,  I am Sakamoto , so what ?, sakamoto anime , school comedy, Comedy, Comedy anime, dark comedy,  sakamoto fans

Sakamoto Desu ga?,  I am Sakamoto , so what ?, sakamoto anime , school comedy, Comedy, Comedy anime, dark comedy, , sakamoto face