1.The Black Legend Heaven - 13 episodes ( 1999)
This anime is about a ex rock band memeber that now lives his live as a normal man , he is geting old and his life seems very boring , but wait a moment something changes and his life gets a new chance .
2 Gun and Sword - 26 episodes ( 2005)
The anime is about a Van and Wendy adventures . If you know the character
Vash Stampede from Trigun , Van is something similar to wash even their use of
a ton of condiments in food is similar. But even so they have different character type , first is more comic the second is more unhurried and slow.Van has a cool sword and a mecha type armour.
3.Casshern Sins 2008 24 episodes
4.Rideback 2009 12 episodes
5. Ergo Proxy 2006 23 episodes

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Jinchūriki list / Naruto
Naruto ( everyone knows him )
Yugii Niii
All tailed beasts.
All Jinchūriki
Utakata ( there was very sad when he died )Roshi
Yugii Niii
All tailed beasts.
All Jinchūriki
Brothers Conflict episode 11 review
This episode doesn’t have much funny moments , more like sad
and a fight between Subaru and Natsume. Ema is still wearing Natsume scarf ,
could it be she likes him the most.
.As usual episodes have a lot of life details.
Saiyuki Reload Gunlock anime review
Year :2004
Episodes : 26 ep
It is a fantasy anime , even they drive on a jeep , green one >_< The monk Sanzo is a smoking fellow that has a gun and his helpers are demons , not the saint model you usually see . The style of drawing is old but nice , characters are interesting in their own way . If you look for a fantasy light comedy to watch this could we the thing you wanted. .
In first episode their adventure starts when they save a deserted village from a demon nest . The interesting part is that their jeep is actually a transforming dragon.
Sha Gojyo ( one of Sanzo friends) he has a lance type weapon and is half demon.
Sha flirting with girl.
Episodes : 26 ep
It is a fantasy anime , even they drive on a jeep , green one >_< The monk Sanzo is a smoking fellow that has a gun and his helpers are demons , not the saint model you usually see . The style of drawing is old but nice , characters are interesting in their own way . If you look for a fantasy light comedy to watch this could we the thing you wanted. .
In first episode their adventure starts when they save a deserted village from a demon nest . The interesting part is that their jeep is actually a transforming dragon.
Sha Gojyo ( one of Sanzo friends) he has a lance type weapon and is half demon.
Sha flirting with girl.
Sha , Goku and bears lol