Friday, October 4, 2013

Coppelion review

Year :2013
Episodes : 13 episodes.
The story starts with three school girls that are sent in a mission to search survivors in deserted city . Once one of the biggest and most important city now is gust a big ruin . A team of three girls names Coppelion have the mission to find survivors in this doomed  place,  at first sight the man problem of this city is radiation but  soon they have to discover a lot of underground forces that have different plans . They will have to go against hiding prisoners , made scientists and even trained soldiers , apparently simple missions  of saving people from radiation start to be more difficult .Government is not what it seems , week and stupid politicians make their job even more problematic , the instances that supposed to help them make their life even more dangerous and think of this three girls as of  dolls to be used on their  whims .In this city there are not only this three girls there are also many other mutant children that have other mission then salvation , nobody knows how they will interact when they meet .The style of drawing in this anime is pretty original , even the idea that characters look more like illustrations because of the evidenced black line around their profiles . The seems nice for a start even intriguing , what will do next the three genetic mutated girls in a city full of radiation ,what other surprises this place will bring them . Also the emotions of the characters are manifested very vivid sometimes I think it is because the developers want to make them look like natural school students , not some hero super freaks even the characters seem to want so , ok le’s see what will be next , may be I am right may be not let’s give it a try and watch it . Anyway I really like the sketching style of the backgrounds , very well done.

Coppelion main Characters
Ibara Naruse

Ibara Naruse - Leader of Coppelion team. She is 10 times stronger and more sportive then normal people , also she has very sharp reaction . Ibara is very kind , even when she meets the scientist that made the atomic station that caused disaster she is cheerful . Ibara consider  “ science her mother “.

                                                        Aoi Fukasaku and Taeko Nomura
Aoi Fukasaku - at first sight she doesn’t seem to have any special ability but it is not true Aoi is very strong and resistant she can carry very heavy weights.

Taeko Nomura - One of the three girls in Coppelion team , has stron senses , just like animals so she loves them and takes care of them.Taeko has super eyes , she wear glasses not to see better but to dim her super vision so she can walk normally ., her vision is 10 times  better then a normal human .

City building / background details.
One thing that bothered are short skirts in the wind but they seem to cover all even when they jump from a bridge , dream on .

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