Genre: Detective , Supernatural
Plot :
Hamatora is a anime about a detective agency called “ Hamatora “ , in this agency work the Minimum keepers , they are people with superpowers , powers that can make them stronger , faster and do extreme things that a normal person would be unable . The series start with Hamatora agency solving a problem with a rich family and their mysterious closed safe . The plot of this anime has comedy , supernatural and detective all bound together . Every personage is unique in their own way .Police seems to be interested in the minimum powers and also a serial killer that is hunting the “minimum “holders .
Hamatora main characters :
Nice - Nice is one of most powerful
minimum holders , he can move
with the speed of sound , he is very intelligent , kind and friendly but he doesn’t
trust much in people . Nice is careless and doesn’t care about his reputation
even if he been one of the best minimum holder that finished his academy .
Nice from Hamatora
Hajime - Hajime is very silent , she doesn’t care about anything
beside food , food and sometimes she seems worried about nice . She is very
funny and even if she doesn’t show she
cares a lot about what other ppl think about her like in the care with she told
to be fat , possible she doesn’t care much about it as she cares about helping
the other desperate minimum. She also has the power of regeneration but doesn;t use it to often.
Hajime Hamatora
Murasaki - Murasaki , is the second academy graduate , he always wears
glasses , his minimum is activated only when he takes them off , he becomes very strong , fast and unstoppable
, his minimum is a bit related with nice ones but he more oriented toward body strength
combined with speed. Murasaki is
jealous about Nice powers and always
tries to surpass him , but in the end he accepts that he is good in his own way
and gets over this and befriends Nice .
Murasaki Hamatora
Art - Art is one of most mysterious figures in this anime , he is
Nice best friend form minimum academy , even so Art doesn’t seem to hold a minim and suffers of this . Art
with police and always try to hide facts that would involve Nice in different
dangerous cases , even so his determination is strange and in the end his
actions seem unreasonable , due his desperate feeling to be equal with Nice and
discover his own minimum or other details from the past.
Kaneko- Kaneko is the Hamatora secretary and employer , she finds
different cases for them to solve and sometimes just simple jobs , she is very
smart and has a cat tail .
Honey - Honey is a cute little girl with powerful abilities , she
can see future , predict different events , find people , She has a Mighty
Script , a tablet and a bear shaped candy that help her . Honey usually helps
police with different cases , discovering the place where criminals hide or
potential evolution of one or another case . She seems spoiled and selfish but
in reality she is very kind and cares a lot about her big friend Three a
beast minimum holder.
Honey ( Hamatora anime ) minimum apearence
Honey and her Mighty .
Ratio -Ratio is Birthday best friend , he is a doctor and
all his life he was alone because he could scan people helath tell them about
their diseases and potential death . His minimum also gives him the ability
to transform his hand into iron gloves ,
he is vey powerful and intelligent but he suffers when people hate him for his
minimum ability , most of time he hides it from his patients.
Ratio Hamatora
Master - is the owner of Hamatora base , he is always silent and kind but everyone in Hamatora respect him.
Moral- Moral is a mad scientist from Minimum Academy , his main
goal is to surpass Nice and become a more powerful minimum holder , he tries to
blame everyone and make them believe that all his actions are oriented toward
making everyone equal but in reality he just likes to manipulate people . He is
unstoppable and even turns in a serial killer to gather minimum material for
his researches.
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