Saturday, February 15, 2014

Bartender anime 2006

Year :2006
Episodes :11 episodes
Genre: Drama , Slice of life
Plot :

This anime plot revolves around an exceptional bartender  Ryu Sasakura , from the beginning you may think it is boring or simple , but sometimes simple life stories can be so captivating , relaxing and soul touching , sometimes it is not needed for a man to be a super man to impress ppl just dedication to his work .  If you are looking for a mature , slice of life anime that would make your evening this is what you looking for ,the sketches of the characters are lovely especially the light and soft, worm colors that create the night time atmosphere .
Characters :
Ryu Sasakura – is an exceptional bartender , he is working in a bar called Eden Hall , even the name of the bar inspires some mystic atmosphere and Ryu also , he is charming and alluring , always know to read ppl to know how to take away their distress with a simple glass of alcohol . His work seems amazing , almost magical , he had a demon / angel lure that gives a sense of sophistication and simplicity in the same time . 
 Ryu Sasakura Bartender , Slice of life anime
 Ryu Sasakura Bartender

1 comment:

  1. To read Bartender, visit for more updated chapters
